Dbq Imperialism

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Pages: 3

Imperialism Essay

During the late 19th and the early 20th Century, Europe’s technological advancements placed them at the top of the major powerhouses of the world. Europe, even though it is small in comparison to many other continents, made up it’s disadvantage of having little land and few resources by expanding their economies towards other continents such as Africa and Asia, which is called Imperialism, a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force to another area. The Europeans had the technology needed to take over millions of people and whole continents, and the people they took over had the land and resources they needed to help European economies grow and make Europe more powerful. Europeans
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Many of the Africans and Asians attempted to fight back as the foreigners were taking their land, and taking lives of their people, but they didn’t stand a chance against the Europeans. The Europeans took control over the people, and established European rules and plantations to extract natural resources from the area. In Document 5, Sekou Toure, a west African nationalist, said that the Europeans “stripped us of our responsibility in conducting our own affairs and convinced us that our civilization was nothing less than a savagery.” which proves that the Europeans strip the Africans of their authority and thought less of them since they were not technologically advanced as they were, therefore they were not progressive at all if they weren’t in control of their own government. The oppressed people were treated horribly, in Document 4, David Diop writes about how the Europeans killed his father, raped his mother, burnt his brother and enslaved himself. This shows how cruel the Europeans were to the Africans and how they treated them like they were nothing. This shows that imperialism was definitely not progressive for them, since they were killed, raped, and enslaved, but there is a possibility that the person who is writing this could be biased, since he is African, and could be exaggerating to make it look like the Europeans were crueler than they really were. Before the Europeans