Understanding And Promoting Children And Young People's Development

Submitted By jode88hayden
Words: 7701
Pages: 31

Assignment 1- Understanding and promoting children and young people’s development.
1) a All children develop at different rates and in different ways, some skills will be the same as in sequences that they happen in for example : a child needs to be able to walk before they can run, although ages of doing this can vary. The aspects that children are measured on are- physical, language, social and emotional, and intellectual.
Physical development:
By six months old- A child should start to turn their heads towards sounds and movements, when laying they may look to find the sound of the voice the heard or noises being made. A child this age will start to take notice of people’s faces when they are interacting with them reacting to familiar faces and voices. Children this age will start to reach for objects and hold them but also putting most objects into their mouths.
Between 6 months-1 year – A child at this stage will be starting to move from sitting unaided to sitting alone. They may roll from tummy to back and vice a versa whilst starting to learn to crawl. Along with learning to crawl may be other ways of getting around by bum shuffling, creeping or pulling themselves along on floor. Being asked to be picked up will start they will raise hands and make noises to get attention to a familiar person. May also react when they hear their name being called by turning head towards voice and making noises in response and reaching towards sources of food.
Between 1-2 years- A child of this age will begin to learn to walk this may be using a push along walker, furniture surfing or holding a adults hand at the beginning. They will be abe to sit alone unaided and feed themselves food when given. A preference of which hand they want to use will start to become obvious and they will start to indicate what they want e.g. shaking head for no. Most toys played with will try and be banged together to make noises and building small towers with bricks. The use of first two fingers and thumb to grip objects will be used.
2-3 years- Children this age may kneel to play with toys on the floor or lay on tummies, and will start to throw and kick a ball. When drawing they will start to make more definite marks and will start to enjoy role play with pouring out drinks etc.
3-4 Years- They will start to walk on tiptoe and jump with their feet together. Climbing will become easier and steadier and they will learn to walk up and down stairs. At this age feeding tools should start to be being used and encouraged. Catching a ball when thrown gently.
4-5 Years- They may learn to pedal a bike or similar object/toy. Will start to play games that involve throwing at something they are aiming for. Will be able to draw with control whilst copying shapes, may be able to write some letters.
5-7 Years- All skills learnt up to these ages will become more. They will start to enjoy joining in team activities and games by the age of 8. They will have learnt to run, skip, climb, swing and hit a ball.
7-12 years- Skills will become more developed. They will carry on enhancing all skills learnt further. Balance and agility become more defined.
12-16 Years- At these ages everybody is very different some boys will have moved onto mid-puberty whilst others may be worrying about their lack of development. This becomes a time when they need a lot more reassurance as rate of development against peers becomes more apparent.
BOYS- Many boys will grow in height by this age and will start to gain muscle definition and look manlier. The teenage boy will start to grow pubic hair (this will become thicker as he grows older). Facial hair will start to form although it will be unlikely he will need to shave at this point as the hair will be very sparse. Voice may deepen/break and skin will become oilier and may have breakouts of spots. Testicle and scrotum growth begins in early- mid puberty for a few boys this can become a very difficult time as some boys will