Distracted Driving Research Paper

Words: 646
Pages: 3

Operating a motorcycle always brought a sense of freedom, independence and danger to me. One of the best ways to relieve my stress and anxiety after a long day at work is to take a ride on my motorcycle; sometimes without a destination in mind and only finding out where I’m going when I get there. The sensation of the wind and the smell of nature around me is something I don’t experience driving a car. When I am alone, on the open road I always feel closer to my faith as my mind is able to ponder whatever issue may be bothering me. For me, riding a motorcycle is a practical mode of transportation where I can truly relax, and put my life back into order.
The feeling of peace starts to build as I put my safety gear on. I love riding a motorcycle, but I am extremely aware of how dangerous this can be. Distracted drivers sometimes do not, or will not see
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As the vibrations of my motorcycle ensure me, everything is good and we’re ready to roll I squeeze the clutch and put it in gear. It may sound funny to someone who doesn’t ride, but sometimes the bike will pick the direction for you and as the rider you just go with it. I let go of the clutch and allow the wheels to turn and the miles click by. With the wind rushing around my helmet, my mind is able to put my life into perspective and I can separate what is right and what is wrong. On the open road you experience everything; the dust, the heat, the scents, the bugs, the cool air, and the rain. This is part of the riding experience and while sometimes it is unpleasant, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I truly feel liberated and alive knowing I have direct control over my fate. More times than not, as soon as I figure out whatever issue I’m pondering or I’m finished speaking to God as I sometimes do, I always seem to arrive at my destination, wherever that may