Effective Communication Essay

Submitted By Debrawilson748C
Words: 1067
Pages: 5

Effective Communication
Debra Wilson
HCS 235
May 19, 2014
Connie Woods
Effective Communication Based upon employment that I have had, the only organizational model that I have any familiarity with would be the functional organizational model. This model seems to be best suited for use by smaller size companies, or companies that focus on producing or selling only one product or service. Such companies are often less motivated to adopt changes or consider updating. This type of organizational structure is the most common type and seems to have evolved from the idea or concept of high specialization. (Griffin, D.) The job that I have had does indeed focus on providing a single or service and has long appeared to be to not be inclined to incorporate change or much in the way of updating either. But, I can understand why. I worked for a family oriented restaurant chain that has proved to be successful over the years. So, I can see why there has been little inclinations to adopt changes and updating—because, their way of doing things have worked. This organization may share knowledge or involve employees in formulating solutions to problems to some degree, but much of this generally only involves upper management and administration. There are some exceptions of course, but for the most part regular employees simply must follow directives and have little to with the sharing of knowledge or formulating any solutions to problems. (Lombardi, D, Schermerhorn, J, Kramer, B. (2007)). The job that I have had did not do much in the way of employing techniques of effective communication at the organizational level where regular employees (such as myself) are concerned. We basically had to just follow orders. However, there are of course a number of effective techniques for the sharing of information and ideas within any organization. One of the best is also one of the oldest—face-to-face communicating. The best benefit of face-to-face communication comes from the fact that it is quiet personal and interactive. It is much easier to build a rapport when communicating with someone directly or face-to-face. Face-to-face communication also makes it more likely that a building of trust will ensue. Face-to-face communication has also been shown to enhance and strengthen existing trust. Face-to-face communication makes it possible to detect or pick up on any non-verbal messages or cues. Few other forms of communication allow for this. Face-to-face/in-person meetings can be one of two types—formal or informal. A formal face-to-face communication/meeting could be an all employee meeting or gathering. Such a “get-together” can be used to remind employees of overall organizational objectives and goals. The same can be used to point out how the work and performance of each individual fits into and is an integral part of making the whole organization better and more successful. For many organizations, having employees of particular departments better understand objectives and goals it is very important. Many organizations hold such meetings on a regular basis, usually annually or semi-annually. (http://communications.ucmerced.edu) Many organizations also hold smaller or department-size meetings for the purpose of relaying important but sudden or unexpected information or messages that may or may not have a large or broad impact. Meetings such as these are often called and held on an as-needed basis. Another effective communication technique used today by most all organizations is the use of communicating via email. It is largely effective because the communication is immediate and can reach a large audience quickly. However, this type of communicating is generally not as good or effective as face-to-face communication. It is not as personal a form of communication as face-to-face communication. Many organizations make use of newsletters, websites, and various social media entries or posts to