Elementary Year Research Paper

Words: 764
Pages: 4

In elementary school, one of my favorite years would have to be the first grade. I was 6

years old. I was in a class with some people who I am still friends with to this day. I'm not really

sure why I would choose that as one of my favorite grades considering I can't remember much

of it other than trying to leave during math a lot. Maybe it is because most of the other grades

did not really matter to me at all. I had a really good teacher and some good people in my

class. I think that is mostly why I liked it so much.

Fourth grade would also have to fit in to my favorite elementary years. I had a cool

teacher that year too. This was the year that I became best friends with one of my friends,

Hannah. My mom and her mom have
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While I was stuck inside, I continued not to do it. This year, I don't

think I liked the teacher to much, but i did have some good people in my class. That made it a

bit better! I think by my sixth grade year, I have had enough with elementary school.

Once I got to middle school, I was quite nervous. Yes, there were less people, but there

were more people that I have never met before. I had a pretty good set of people that would be

in my class for the next two years. My eighth grade year was one of the best, but quickly turned

to one of the worst. It started great. I had a great group of friends. My best friend at the time,

Courtney, and I would hang out every weekend. I talked to a bunch of people that year, had lots

of friends, hung out with a lot of people. I even started to try a little bit with my school work. The

part of eighth grade that was in 2011 was probably the best, but once it got to 2012 it was the

worst. There were multiple things that happened that year that absolutely sucked! Things

changed drastically. It had a big impact on my life. The year of 2012 was definitely not one