Emotional Video Analysis

Words: 1352
Pages: 6

a. In regards to our introduction, we opened our presentation with an emotional video. Since the video was of one of the family members of one of the victims of the Tylenol Crisis, we then made sure we expanded upon this crisis, saying on this day this happened. Then, we provided a preview statement as to what we would discuss further throughout the presentation. We tried to not only pull on the audience’s emotions, but also to put them in a position where they wanted to know just what specifically happened to cause these deaths. Our goal was to create an emotional attachment. I think this worked well as it was able to capture the attention of the audience and make them become more intrigued about our topic. As far as our closing statement, …show more content…
If there was one thing that I would have my team do differently, I would work on team transitions and interaction with more energy. I think that we did a nice job of rotating which speaker talked, but I think that we lacked energy and engagement between us all. I am sure this was boring to the audience! I would like to see us bounce off of one another and bring confidence to the table. I like it when groups have lots of interaction in presentations and are not just standing around. I felt that we were just standing around up there in front of the class. Perhaps during the Macy’s presentation, we incorporate action or props to the presentation in order to make it more engaging and active. Sometimes, I think lots of us start to become monotone and like robots in front of the …show more content…
I am very pleased with how our team worked together during the presentation. All of us get along very well, and everyone is alwys willing to cooperate with one another. Everyone was willing to meet up and practice all week leading up to our presentation, and for the most part, everyone had their parts practiced and ready to go when we said to. This makes things go much more smoothly! Sometimes when we are all together, we can get very off task and waste time, but when it is time to get down to business, everyone does just that! The team understands if you are struggling with something and is willing to make adjustments to help us all succeed. Overall, I am very happy with my team, and I think that we all have something unique to bring together. There is definitely lots of energy and laughs when we are practicing! 6. Give each of your teammates a letter grade for their work as a team member for this assignment. Do not necessarily base your grade on his/her skills as a presenter, but give them a grade based on how effective they were as a team member. Did they attend all meetings, participate in the research and discussions, do their fair share of the work, have a positive attitude, etc. These responses will help me determine professionalism points at the end of the