Hsm 220 Week 1

Submitted By ninadavenport495
Words: 350
Pages: 2

Nina Davenport
HSM/ 220

Vision- knowledge centered
Ability to motivate- value centered
Efficiency- knowledge centered
Organization- knowledge centered
Control- knowledge centered
Ability to plan- knowledge centered
Positive attitude- value centered
Sense perspective- value centered
Respect- value centered
Trust- value centered

The characteristics above add value for an effective manager. The first one is vision; this helps everyone look at new things with a clear view of what it shall become. This will also motivate others by having knowledge of how the company grows it can improve how the whole team has works together. Vision is needed so one has a goal/ something to work towards. A manager’s job is to be efficient due to the many responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and the individuals who rely on them. They need to be organized also because, they have so many responsibilities and so little time. Managers needs to control their company, because there can be a group of employees telling you and others what to do which will start confusion. This will only occur if there’s not a designated person to go to for issues or altercations. When becoming a manager it’s important that you remember your role. A manager needs to know how to plan, because as the days progress everything you don’t want to become overwhelmed with too much work. For instance, working in a restaurants you would have to plan on the preparation of ‘soups’ more in the winter months