Examples Of Honesty In The Crucible

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Pages: 2

Puritans within the 17th century had heavily believed in God, their life being based on pleasing him, which was said to result in going to heaven once they were deceased. Therefore, pleasing him had included being honorable about all of their actions, never committing any crime throughout their life. In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, the value of honesty throughout Salem was heavily valued, mostly by judges. However, a majority of the people who inhabited there did not completely live up to this. Honesty is usually linked to being truthful, yet this is not thoroughly correct, especially for this play. “Honesty” is rather defined best as “telling the full and pure truth of an act or action, whatever the consequences may lye for doing so.” …show more content…
As for telling the truth, you can leave out important details and not be fully honest about a situation, usually done for your own benefit. A majority of those in Salem highly lived up to this. As the accusation of witchcraft had begun to spread, some settlers who had been charged began to accuse others and leave out snippets from their confessions in hopes to save themselves from being hanged. For example, Abigail and the girls had confessed to dancing within the woods, however they had begun to spit lies out, accusing others who they had apparently seen with the devil, using this as a scapegoat to be saved from being killed. In addition, Abigail accused Elizabeth Proctor of sending her soul out and stabbing her within the stomach with a needle, which so happened to be in possession of the Proctor house. Although it was true that Abigail had been “stabbed” with a similar looking needle, she had been looking for revenge on Goody Proctor and used this to do so. These examples do not apply to being honest, as they are not completely the truth of what was happening, therefore these samples are rather of truths that were spoken within the