Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Submitted By Laurasokolowski20
Words: 505
Pages: 3

Homework assignment
Fahrenheit 451 by Laura SokolowskiGroup 73
Work presented to
Mrs. Sylvia Renaud
For the Secondary Four Enriched course
College Saint-Alexandre de la Gatineau
September 12th, 2014
I think that in our society, an “antisocial” person means he or she is unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly way with other people and also dislikes the company of others. In Fahrenheit 451, an “antisocial” person means that he or she is not-conform to what the other people are like in the society order. This term applies to Clarisse McClellan, because she talks a lot about everything, and about how strange the world is. Also because she thinks that being with people and interacting with them is nice.
““I was just figuring,” said Montag, “what does the Hound think about down there nights? Is it coming alive on us really? It makes me cold.”” P.25 This question contributes to the plot/story because when he’s asking if the Hound is coming alive it proves that he feels threatened by it. Maybe, because he feels guilty about his books. ““Montag hesitated. “What – was it always like this? The firehouse, our work? I mean, well, once upon a time…”” P.31 This question contributes to the plot/story because he questions what he has learned about the firemen history. We also know that fairy tales are forbidden books, so the fact that he used “once upon a time…” can lead to a bad thing.
The initial character who makes an allusion to Master Ridley is the old woman who decides to go in flames with her books rather than live without them. Nicolas Ridley was born in c. 1500 in Northumberland. His father was Christopher Ridley, a well-off member of the Northumbria gentry. Ridley had a distinguished academic record. He was educated at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, Louvain and once again at Cambridge University. He converted to Protestantism. In 1547,