Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Words: 304
Pages: 2

Friar Laurence takes a lot of blame because he knew that Romeo was just in love with Rosaline the night before he met Juliet. Even though he knew that he was eventually fine with Romeo turning around the same night and liking Juliet. Friar was hesitant about Romeo moving so quick, but it wasn’t his choice. ( use a quote)

Another bad choice that Friar Laurence made was giving Juliet the sleeping potion. The potion was to fake Juliet’s death so that she wouldn’t have to marry Paris. The potion could have affected Juliet dangerously health wise. She could have died! It was that important to Juliet to get out of marring Paris that she encountered something that could have killed her. As the day was coming closer Juliet’s dad though why not move