Gun Control In Schools Pros And Cons

Words: 1082
Pages: 5

Emotional fear is the reaction to an event that causes extreme emotional distress, a side effect of this response can cause quick and irrational decision making. An example of an event that can cause a millions of people to experience this is a school shooting, a large number of lives lost to those who don’t deserve it. The initial reaction to this would be to simply ban the use of guns for everyone, it seems like the most logical response to such a violent and horrible act. But let me ask you this, do you support the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act, do you support the imprisonment of Japanese during World War II? Do you support the TSA? Since all of these actions were spurred on by emotional fear, take a moment and think of the true consequences of such a serious matter. …show more content…
By passing gun-control legislation you are taking away the right earned in blood by generations of brave Americans, you are simply taking away the right of self-protection. Chicago, IL has the strictest gun-control laws in the United States and you are twice as likely to die in Chicago then you are in Afghanistan. For the past eleven years and four months, 2,166 people have been killed, and in only 8 years in Chicago over 4,000 people have been killed, not one of those guns was used to a licensed individual. Modeling the control of guns based on this issue is flawed in that it takes the guns from those who need them and forces them to rely on a police force that is currently overwhelmed in most large