How Did The Declaration Of Independence Influence The Constitution

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Pages: 4

Struggle For Independence How did the Declaration influence the Constitution?

Have you ever dreamed about creating your very own country? The possibilities are quite endless. However, what could ever be so discerning as to cause the intention of desiring to build a nation? Independence, the sole right that empowers people with the belief that all humans must have; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The British government went to the extent of destroying these individual rights for the purpose of satisfying their needs and exemplifying their power. At a point of absolute turmoil and no return, this conflict lead to war, thus creating the uprising root of a new nation, the Declaration of Independence. The declaration of independence influenced the constitution by; establishing fundamental values that in no way can be falsified as it will
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However, the authoritative figures of the British empire denies the independence of the colonists. To approach this conflict a certain way and In accordance with the recent actions between the British government and the colonists, few influential members of the colonists created a historical document, the Declaration of Independence, which later influenced the formation of the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence is a list of injustices against the king of England to ratify the colonist’s intention of acquiring independence from the British empire. “He is at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation”. A Grievance of the Declaration of Independence. This is just one out of many grievances that explains the depths and the drastic actions performed by the British