How Did Ww2 Affect The Economy

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Pages: 3

Some events in American history may leave an indication on our lives and future. Events like September 11, Great Depression, and World War 2 leave signs of what our future would look in 30 years. After 9/11 occurred, it affected the country both positive and negative. The country created the Department of Homeland Security, and they listened to everyone's phone calls, making sure the people talked about normal topics. Although the World War 2 impacted the country positive in some ways, the war also affected the country negatively; the war affected America socially, economically, and politically. Before World War 2, the Great Depression, for the most part, impacted the American citizens and their families economically, families were unemployed …show more content…
The negative impacts include placing great economic, social, and psychological strains and demands on families and their members. The family income dropped to $1,500, only 40% less than the average of the family income in 1929, $2,300. The Great Depression started when the stock market crashed in October 1929, sending panic and wiped out millions of investors through Wall Street. Consumer spending and investment dropping caused steep inclines in industrial output and companies lay off their employees. Many Americans, who bought on credit, fell in debt, causing the numbers of foreclosures and repossessions to increase. The positive impacts about the Great Depression includes when Franklin D. Roosevelt creates the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which declared a permanent job for 8.5 million people from 1935 to 1943. The impact includes the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to regulate the market and prevent abuses of the kind that led to the stock market crash, and the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to protect the depositor's accounts. Therefore, the Great Depression caused positive and negative affects on our country.
World War 2 started after the Great Depression in 1939. World War Two left impacts that changed the future of our country positively and negatively. World War