How Does Bilbo Change

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Pages: 5

Throughout The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, a very laid back and lazy hobbit, becomes one of the the greatest leaders his kin has ever seen. For most of his life, Bilbo was a greedy, rich guy who ate a lot and never did anything exciting with his life. Over the course of the book, he learns that there is more to life than just being lazy and not doing anything. Bilbo realizes that he had a very inactive life before his adventures, and that he was going to change his ways. Throughout the book, Mr. Baggins learns to accept change, and that friends are also an important part of life. He eventually learns to love adventure, and meets a lot of new friends. Today, The Hobbit, is one of the classic hero stories, where someone doesn’t think they can handle a big responsibility, but then it all happens. The Hobbit, is definitely a coming of age story for Bilbo, who eventually had a major change of heart. Bilbo, from The Hobbit, shows resilience and austerity throughout his misfortunes and catastrophes. His growth in the face of tribulations and tragedies regards the themes of the book.
During the beginning part of The Hobbit, Bilbo was just like most humans. He was super lazy, and barely ever did anything exciting. Bilbo was always at home with an oversupply of food and money. He had what he thought to be a
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Bilbo, a lazy hobbit who never did anything exciting with his life, became a whole new person by the end of the book. At first he was wealthy and didn’t want to be social. Through a great series of events including many mishaps and fortunes, Bilbo become a great leader who would be glad to go out and meet new people. Bilbo from The Hobbit, showed solemnity and self-discipline throughout his setbacks and misadventures. His development in the face of troubles symbolizes the theme of the