Immigrating In The United States Essay

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Pages: 3

The gendered implications for immigrating in the United States vary depending on their race. We have discussed in the previous chapters, that some women immigrants such as Asians, Mexicans, and Central American, experienced less opportunities for a high paying job. The jobs available for them are nothing compared to what is offered for immigrant men, who has a greater chance of being in the same level as the White Americans. However, this may be good enough for some, because in their home countries, they did not work and they find working in the US to have given them more confidence and independence. Also, immigrant women have problems getting their visas in the United States if they do not have a husband or families who will petition them. …show more content…
Some (Soviet Jewish women, for example) does not want to return to their home land due to some factors. The views of their citizens to those who left marked them as their enemy and not their friend. In addition to that, their situation in the US is much better. The opportunities available for them is different from the other immigrant groups, and their lives are in much better place. So, staying in the US is probably the best option for them. On the other hand, Israeli women look forward to returning home one day. They believe that raising their kids back home is important for their culture and their families. They feel like it is where they should be and that the presence of their parents will be helpful for their children. The Israeli government also support them. Even if they have spent so much time in the US, they still feel welcome back home. It is the same for my father. He talked about how it great it would be to go back to the Philippines. He has been saving money so he can settle back home, live in the farm, and spend his days there. He believes that it would make him happy and away from all the stress. Most of the old Filipinos I see has that plan, to go back home someday. The Proximal Host model assess three social factors. It includes the individual immigrant, the society and the proximal host – the ethnic group where they will be assigned. If