Immigration Changes In America

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Pages: 4

Does the increasing number of immigrants around you make you bother you or make you feel like something is being taken away from you? Most of the time when something goes wrong people finds someone else, who would be an easy target, to blame. After World War 2, in Germany the Jewish population was blamed for Germany's loss in the war and their economy sinking. In the United States the scapegoat is immigrants. Ever since 9/11 Muslim immigrants have been labeled as unsafe and unpredictable. In America Mexican immigrants are also blamed for Americans not being able to get jobs. The immigration laws should change because people have the right to come to America (which is known as the free country) for a chance at a better life. Also immigrants …show more content…
At one point most Americans came into this country for salvation and a new beginning from their previous homes and countries. So how is it fair to make it so difficult for new immigrants to come into America now? The process to come into America legally be getting visas is usually too difficult, or the process of it just takes too long. It can take months or even years to even try to get a visa, but, at the end of all of it the person could still get denied. “For the vast majority of undocumented immigrants there is no “line” available. As the Immigration Policy Center points out, most undocumented immigrants lack the necessary family relationships to apply for legal entry, and those who do face years or decades waiting for a visa”(site). Whether or not your visa is accepted could be determined from which country you are from. “Regardless of the fact that you qualify for the visa on paper, and have made your plans, been accepted by a school, gotten a job offer, or whatever, the decision is still a subjective one -- and it can be influenced by which country you are coming from. …show more content…
They also do more damage in the United States than the immigrants that come to our country. Americans commit more crimes, including murder, than immigrant. “In fact primary perpetrators of the major terror attacks have mostly been U. S. Born citizens or permanent legal residents, or from countries not included in the ban. “(Cite). The ban from that source is talking about is president Trump's Muslim majority countries ban, which includes: “Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Iran, and Iraq -- “(cite). Most of the time when crimes are seen on the news, it is Americans committing the crimes. It is actually rare to see immigrants be in legal trouble for actual crimes. “Immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than native-born and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property