Improving Cognitive Summary

Words: 668
Pages: 3

The chapter our group chose was seven, which is about cognition. The chapter delved into the concepts of language, learning, and thinking. The concept we chose to explore was how to improve your cognition, which is information acquired through the senses. Our activities performed during class time will teach the audience a few techniques they can perform to improve their cognitive skills. The concept our group is examining is how to improve your cognition. It is an idea that performing exercises that increase blood flow to the brain, manipulate breathing, and utilize our working memory can lead to improved cognitive performance. Consistent exercise overtime has been proven to increase the volume of the hippocampus, which is associated with …show more content…
Afterwards, each group member will contribute statements to create a comprehensive overview of the concept, and some terminology prevalent in chapter seven will be introduced to improve the cohesiveness of our summary. Next, we will refer the class to the handout and walk them through three out of the five exercises listed. The exercises will teach the audience some exercises that they can perform to improve their cognition. The technique we will demonstrate are arm circles, which involve moving your arms from back behind you to the front, and we will ask the class to stand and participate in a few repetitions of the movement. Next, we will move on to the second exercise listed on the handout, which are breathing exercises that are designed to deliver more oxygen to the brain; the class will participate in this activity also. The final exercise we will demonstrate will be a neurobic exercise, and this will be done by asking the class to try to write a phrase on a line provided at the bottom the handout with their nondominant hand. After this we will explain but not demonstrate the final two exercises listed on our handout. We will conclude our presentation by asking our audience if they have any questions regarding our