Industrial Revolution DBQ

Words: 1344
Pages: 6

In the nineteenth century, Manchester became one of the most industrialized cities in England. The Industrial Revolution brought about a transition from workers making goods by hand to making them by industrial machines. This new manufacturing processes had an impact on the qualifications of manufacturing jobs because the skill required for the jobs was lowered due to the use of the new machines. The growth of Manchester created many issues such as poor working conditions, health issues, and an increase in standard of living for some. Furthermore, these issues caused various reactions which include advocates and Romantics, who saw the negative effects of Manchester’s growth, while liberals saw the positive effects. During the nineteenth century, …show more content…
In Document 1, Thomas Macaulay says that people began to live longer because they were better fed, clothed, and treated in sickness, that was due to the increase in national wealth which the manufacturing system had produced. This was not true for all social classes, such as the poor or lower class, who hardly benefited from the Industrial Revolution. What Macaulay says was true for the upper class and the factory owners because they made the most money, which was either from investments or factory production. Thomas Macaulay is a liberal, a person who wants a change from the traditional ways, which the Industrial Revolution is a good example of. The Industrial Revolution changed the manufacturing process and the economy, so he could have been biased towards this change since the revolution helped prosper the economy. In Document 5, there is a chart which shows the average age of death of people of different professions and different districts. People that lived in the rural districts had a much higher age for the average age of death than people from the industrial districts. From the four cities in the chart Manchester had the lowest average age of death. This shows that people that worked in industries and factories did not have good treatment or working conditions. Factory workers would be in overcrowded rooms, where the chances of getting diseases are high due to …show more content…
Alongside these issues came various reactions from the Romantics, advocates, and liberals. There were both positive and negative effects that came from the growth of Manchester, but the negative outweighed the positive. The Industrial Revolution is similar to the Scientific Revolution. Both of these revolutions had a great impact on society. The Scientific Revolution changed the way how people think and the Industrial Revolution changed the way people worked. Also both these time periods brought some type of issues. The Scientific Revolution created issues with the Catholic church since most people lost their faith in God. The growth of Manchester raised issues such as poor working and city conditions, and lower living standards for some social