Nasw Code Of Ethics In Social Work

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Pages: 2

Ethics are the foundation of social work. Every social worker has an ethical obligation to practice social work in an ethical manor. The mission for all social workers is The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people paying specific attention to those who are vulnerable (NASW code of ethics, 2018). As a social worker, you have an obligation to continuously monitor the need for current research. Policies must be evaluated continuously and require regular updating to assure the needs of all parties involved are being met. It is the the responsibility of the social worker to provide informed consent throughout the research process and assure there is no harm being done to the participants. People, researchers and participants have their own biases, it is the obligation …show more content…
This means as social workers, it is their obligation to educate themselves as well as others on what is ethically right and wrong so the considerations of the participants are accurate and appropriate. Participation in research must be voluntary (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). People cannot be forced or persuaded into participating. People will be more likely to participate in research if there is a personal benefit for them. Regardless or the participants, age, race, socioeconomic class, gender etc., the top priority is assuring there is no harm done. Confidentiality must agree to keep information confidential when necessary, if an individual request to remain anonymous then, this must be respected by the social worker in research. Generally, people do not intend to harm the participants, but it happens and it isn’t difficult to lose sight of the purpose of the research and put participants at risk. This can be done by violating someone’s confidentiality, or not offering them informed