Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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Pages: 3

The teacher displays solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate to one another. The teacher demonstrates accurate understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics. The teacher selected the following CCSS ELA standards: RL 11-12.1- Cite strong and through textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. The lesson is aligned to the the standard. 1 a pp

The teacher provides clear explanations of the content. When students asked clarifying questions about theme, she responded, " A Theme is a writer’s message about the topic. It takes a sentence or two to express a theme, as in, "Adolescence is a difficult time in life." The teacher provides feedback that furthers students' learning. When student A listed two important plot events, the teacher's feedback to that student was, "You are on the right track, but I want you to go back to the text and find another important plot event." 1a obs
Most of the learning activities are aligned with the instructional outcomes. The teacher's plan was to have students cite strong and thorough textual evidence to identify theme in the book "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry. The lesson followed an organized progression suitable to
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The Learning Target states, "Today we will continue to use textual examples of pathos to develop and strengthen our argumentative response as well as use our rubrics and peer editing checklist to evaluate our work." Activities provided opportunity for students to express their thinking. Example: Students were engaged in Turn and Talk activity and followed an established protocol, so everyone had a chance to share their thoughts about an experience that taught them a life lesson and the impact of that lesson and how they could pass it on to someone else and help that individual. The lesson or unit has a recognizable structure.1e