Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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Pages: 4

In the first step of this assignment, I observed NWEA MAP test scores from one of my classes. Through this data, I was able to group a number of students who struggled with mathematical procedural fluency. In addition to this data, I also looked at student watching data to group students who struggled with making sense of problems, and with word problems in particular. My goal was to create a lesson that would begin to implement various UDL techniques that would improve my level of Tier 1 instruction. Additionally, I implemented small group accommodations that addressed the specific struggles of my selected students. Through this planning and implementation, I have increased my understanding of Tier 1 instruction, gained necessary practice on common differentiation strategies, and outlined steps moving forward to build off of what I learned. The goal of Tier 1 instruction, or “Core Instructional Interventions”, is to “differentiate instruction, providing instruction designed to meet the specific needs of students in the class” (). A prime example of this is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) which sets up structures that benefit all learners and give multiple opportunities for engagement, …show more content…
There are 20 students in the class, and some of the adjustments were made to address all of them through UDL. I also outlined a group of 5 students with the lowest procedural fluency from the NWEA score, a group of 6 students who are slow to get started on problems based on student watching data, and a group of 4 students who struggle with word problems and vocabulary based on details from their IEPs. For these groups of students, I was focusing on what sort of Tier 2 strategies I can use with them, but also which implementing whole class Tier 1 strategies work for them and their