Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment

Words: 1423
Pages: 6

c. How much time will it take to implement this feature?

The time to implement this feature would depend on the team (number of people in the team, their competencies and dependencies on people outside the team) building this feature.

Assuming the team that is responsible for the "upvote-downvote" feature on Quora is working to build this new feature. I would start by understanding the assumptions and impediments that the team encountered while building the "upvote-downvote" feature and the time taken by the team to implement the feature (team velocity if available).

I will then draft user stories for the new feature and start by prioritizing the user stories. Next, I would proceed by introducing the goal of the feature to the team and providing them the context for why this feature and user story is important and a priority at this point. By describing these and asking them for
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Do you have any experience with agile/scrum product development process? If yes, please elaborate

The most recent experience where I applied the agile/scrum framework was to complete my class project for the course - Software Prototyping for Data Science and Information Management. We created a Slackbot that could run as a Python program and interacts with Slack’s Real Time Messaging API to fetch and display upcoming BART train and bus departure times based on user input.

My team adopted Scrum as a framework to deliver this project for the following three reasons :

Our scope and requirements were not set in stone - the team wanted to break our work down into small incremental pieces, make and show iterative improvements. We wanted to have frequent and early opportunities to see our work being delivered and to make decisions and changes throughout the development project.

Our customer (the teacher) was keen on working extensively and directly with my team throughout the project. We wanted to maximize responsiveness to his changing needs.

We had self-organizing