Our Tired Our Poor Our Kids Analysis

Words: 684
Pages: 3

Today America has hundreds of thousands of children that will never know what it is like to have a home. The issue among our homeless grows each year leaving mothers and their children without a place to stay. The number of homeless children is increasing due to abuse in homes and of the lack of welfare. In the essay “Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids,” the author Anna Quendlen writes to share the hardships these children have living on the streets and between shelters. Mothers and their children living in a room the size of a master bedroom share beds, dressers, and anything else that fits in their one room home. While some children live the luxury life in fast cars and big houses, these homeless children don’t get have the opportunities the other children get. These poor tired kids struggle to attain the same knowledge, they are “twice as likely to repeat a grade or be hospitalized and four times as likely to go hungry as the kids with a roof over their heads.” (332) Mothers on the street are trying to get into Emergency Assistance Rehousing Programs to give the children they still have a place to stay during the night. In 2001, the National Low Income Housing Coalition calculated that the homeowner must had made twice the minimum wage to own a …show more content…
This essay points out the flaws in our nations system and wants to influence other to help the homeless in need. Twenty years ago, New York City had provided a shelter for just under a thousand families and now is trying to find room for 10,000 children a night. The average homeless women is now younger than it has ever been because of the way they had grown up some of them may not have ever gotten the chance to finish high school and may never been able to hold a job or get a job. The homeless youth is raised in under these circumstances with no choice in having a place to call their