Patterns In My Writing

Words: 245
Pages: 1

Journal 7 I recognized several patterns in my writing assignments by reviewing my writing¬¬ assignments. There are several mistakes repeating which have become patterns. First, I am considering in-class essays. Important words in titles must be capitalized; however, in both in-class essays I have done the same mistake. I have used subordinators and coordinators as transition words in both in-class essays. For example, ‘although’ in the in-class essay 1 and ‘so’ in the in-class essay 2. I have switched my point of view in both essays. For example, I have changed my point of view from ‘you’ to ‘we’ in essay 1 and ‘they’ to ‘you’ in essay 2. I have used articles improperly in both essays. I have done mistakes in using present tense for singular