Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

Words: 610
Pages: 3

Year-round schooling is controversial because American schools follow their historical traditions. The strongest counter-argument is additional time in the classroom benefits student learning, which suggests that the year-round calendars also aid learning. However, in my view, this is incorrect because funding year-round schooling takes money away from other beneficial services in schools. Therefore, I maintain that year-round schooling should not be embraced. To begin with, schools should not switch to year-round because transitioning to year-round calendars leads students to switch schools, which increases the risk of dropout in the future. Gasper et. al. in the opinionated article, “Why We Love Year-Round School,” persuade employers that students who switch schools are inclined to dropout of higher education because the results are linked to switching schools. Studies were done to show correlation. Enlightening that moving schools is connected to dropout, …show more content…
Patall et. al. persuade teachers that extending class time benefits learning because students are in class more in the article, “Extending the School Day or School Year.” Studies linked additional time with learning. Supporting a connection between additional time and learning, Patall declares, “Extending school time can be an effective way to support student learning, particularly for students most at risk of school failure.” Some year-round calendars do not add more days, but typical year-round calendars have the students in class for more days than before. More days not only benefit the students’ learning because they are with the teachers more, but also supports at risk children. The added days allow struggling students to learn at their comfortable pace instead of being rushed through content due to time constraints which helps the