Police and Function Course Description Essay

Submitted By ryanramsook108
Words: 1106
Pages: 5

Course description below

PSC207- The investigative function

Course description: Introduction to criminal investigation in the field. Consideration of conduct at the crime scene, interview and interrogation of witnesses and suspects, the use of informants, and the techniques of surveillance. Emphasis on the special techniques employed in particular kinds of investigation and the presentation of the police cases in court.

PSC204- The patrol function
Course description: Consideration of the various factors which influence the determination of patrol strength, type, and distribution. Existing patrol practices in various police departments of the United States, Europe, and the United Kingdom are compared and evaluated critically. Consideration of the future of patrol and an evaluation of recent theories for increasing efficiency.

LAW203- Constitutional law
Course description: This course provides an analysis of the historical development of the relationship of the states to the Bill of Rights. The effect of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment on the application of the Bill of Rights to the states is examined through a study of the leading Supreme Court decisions relating to criminal justice.


Course description: This course introduces students to the subject of criminology by discussing the main theoretical perspectives and issues. It focuses on the problems of definition and measurement and the main ways in which crime can be explained and controlled. In addition, the course considers how crime is represented, for example, by the mass media; the unequal distribution of crime within society; the relationship between victims and offenders and the social and political context of debates on crime and social control.

SEC211-Security Management

Course description: The organization of the security function and its administration will be emphasized. Selection, education, training, seminars and workshops for security personnel will be examined including techniques for gaining acceptance for new security programs. Contracting or leasing vs. direct supervision and outright purchase of security services and equipment will be compared. Problems in allocation, communications, assignment and span of control will be presented.

Course description: This course focuses on the victims rather than the offenders: why they have been “rediscovered” recently; why they often do not report crimes to the police; how some victims might share responsibility for the crimes with the offenders; how they can be repaid for their losses through offender restitution and government compensation; and what new services are available to help victims prevent crimes and resist attacks.
CRJ101- Introduction to Criminal justice
Course description: An introductory survey of the American criminal justice system. Discussion of the police, defense and prosecuting attorneys, courts, institutional corrections, community-based corrections, and the juvenile justice system. The definition and the measurement of crime, and various efforts to explain the causes of crime. General issues for consideration include discretion in the administration of criminal justice; due process; and contemporary change in the American criminal justice system.

SOC309- Juvenile delinquency

Course description: Biological, psychological, and sociological factors in juvenile delinquency. A survey of theories of juvenile delinquency. Modern trends in prevention and treatment.

LAW001- Criminal law

Course description: Viewing the criminal law as a means to the end of influencing human behavior, intensive analysis is made of various principles that apply in virtually every criminal case: justification, attempt, conspiracy, parties to crime, ignorance and mistake, immaturity, insanity, and intoxication. The law of homicide is explored in all its facets. The common law, statutes of New York and of representative states,