Pros And Cons Of Confederation

Words: 457
Pages: 2

In the reality of the debate, weather confederation would be suitable for BNA in which confederation was such a tremendous idea which decision should be made as a fate of BNA Confederation make the colonies stronger with a better government positively affect BNA economically ,bring back prosperity. Without britain finacally supporting BNA, the repealed of corn laws and the threat of the US ending the reciprocity treaty , bring a long while of economic depression .We no longer get privileges so why not create our own policy as a country which benefits us. Our government was so corrupt with the proposed idea from lord durham the act of union was not working well not long,Rebellion bill in 1849 which financial compensation was given to the anti rebel forces angered …show more content…
Furthermore ,the idea of manifest destiny threatened us since US have already take over Mexico Spain France and Great Britain ,British North America would be their next target .In another way Confederation prevent Rupert's Land and British Columbia from being annexed by the US, protecting our territory so why not do so? Specifically, in Canada west the both political leaders support confederation since colonies are really expensive to support .Our father - Macdonald was making a deal currently with the parti bleu to form a government . Confederation will increased the potential of trade and more security against the people across the border; less involvement of the church in their government end of political deadlocks and the senate would support the idea of representation through region and a representation through population .Yet, Canada west gain more participation in their local and regional (provincial)