Quinceanera Tradition

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Pages: 3

Traditions One of the most significant traditions of a quincenera is the candle lighting, which is commonly done in every quincenera. This is a quinceanera tradition that involving fifteen people from the family of the girl to carry candles. This part of the ceremony is where a lot of emotions will take place, because this is where the girl and the family will have the chance to honor the people she considers most gracious and important in her life. The ceremony usually calls for selecting fifteen people, including her parents, siblings, family friends and friends of the girl which dedicates a candle to each of them. Some girls will also choose to have fourteen people as her damas, with the fifteenth being her mother. Usually the master of ceremony will call up each of the fifteen members one by one and will plays a special song for them as requested by the birthday girl as she presents each person with a candle. In the process of the candle presentation, the girl will give a speech about how each and every one of those individuals helped her mature and how they are special to her. In some quinceanera’s however, it can be altered. …show more content…
Traditionally many dances will begin with the father/daughter dance. The father/daughter dance, considered one of the most emotional dances for the girl and her father. Is one of the most interesting quinceanera dances. Usually, the first dance is saved for the girl and her father. Next a song has been selected by the father of the girl and the song has great significance to them both. According to tradition, this is a girl’s first public dance and usually, after the dance the father hands the girl over to her escort after their dance. At the same time, the maidens and their escorts enjoy the dance. This dance also acts as an emphasis on the role of the father as the first man in the young girls