Racism In Today's Society

Words: 701
Pages: 3

Racism is a terrible wrongdoing that is a part of todays’ society. It is an epidemic that has swept across the United States and must be corrected. No matter what the color of someone’s skin is, they are still a human being and must be treated that way no matter what someone does not like about them. They did not have the choice to be black or white. They were born the way they were and that is how they were meant to be. The fact is that all men were created equal and everyone should be judged not by what color they are, but by the people they are. Who are we to judge when we have faults as well. Everyone on this earth is Gods’ children and we are all made perfect just the way we are and no one is set higher than anybody else.
In many ways racism is a lifestyle and a common problem for Americans in the United States. People go around and assume that they are better than someone else because of the color of their skin. Racism is a hatred caused by how someone looks and not a hatred caused by how someone acts. People judge so fast and when you point one finger at somebody, three point right back at you. I believe that people need to realize that judging someone for any reason is wrong. Racism should be completely eradicated from todays’ society and from societies that follow ours. That word should not even be in the dictionary. We are all people.
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We need to finally realize that we are people and we are all the same. We must realize that no one is better or greater than anybody else and that we were all created equal and were created with God given rights as human beings no matter what we look like. We also need to realize that life is better without conflict. Conflict and problems are bad, especially when they are conflicts and problems created by us. We need to understand that life is good for those who make it good. So make it