Should Chocolate Milk Be Allowed In Schools

Words: 541
Pages: 3

Recently there has been arguments whether to keep chocolate milk in schools or ban it altogether, I personally think they should keep it because it does more good than bad. Many kids don't like to drink white milk alone, many kids prefer chocolate milk over white milk and if chocolate milk is taken away than children will stop drinking milk at school completely and that can be more harmful than drinking chocolate milk.

While chocolate milk has negative effects it also has good ones. Chocolate milk does offer a good amount of protein and electrolytes for hydration, it also boosts the amount of carbohydrate in the liver and your muscle and what carbohydrates do is they provide nutrients for the good bacteria in your body. If there are vitamins that you need in your body that you don't have chocolate milk will replenish them, this is good because for the kids who don't get the vitamins they need it can be bad for them and chocolate milk can help with that. Another good side to chocolate milk is it has less sugar than soda, this is important because for the schools that have vending machines with soda in them chocolate milk can be a better option, and if the chocolate milk is taken out of schools the kids that don't like to drink white milk might end of drinking too much soda and that would be an even bigger
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A single carton of milk contains 28g of sugar which is double the amount of sugar in white milk. Another problem chocolate milk could cause is if a child drinks too much chocolate the might not want to drink other things that don't have high amounts of sugar and that can cause problems. Many parents might not want their child to consume caffeine but what a lot of parents don't know is that chocolate milk does contain slight traces caffeine that found naturally in the cocoa ingredient of the chocolate