Siren Song

Words: 547
Pages: 3

From cyclops to minotaurs, Greek mythology has an abundance of creepy creatures to offer, and after reading feminist Margaret Atwood’s “Siren Song”, it is clear that sirens are powerful forces to be reckoned with. Sirens are known for luring men to their deaths with their beautiful voices, which gives the reader insight as to what might happen in the poem. The narrator is one of three sirens, and she appears to be telling the audience about the “secret” of the siren song, when in reality, she is singing the song and luring the reader to their ultimate demise. Although the speaker is a siren, Atwood’s poem goes beyond simple mythology. Atwood uses structure, literary devices, diction, and tone to highlight gender inequality and illustrate the idea men should never assume that they are superior to women.
The author’s choice of structure, literary devices, diction, and tone all help get her point across and add to the overall success of the poem. Structurally, “Siren Song” is written in free verse so it is more modern and easier for the audience to understand. Enjambments are also used; they are lines that continue into the next without punctuation. Atwood employs them when she states, “This is the one song everyone / would like to learn: the song / that is irresistible / the song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons / even though they see beached skulls” (1-6). While the poem flows smoother with the aid of enjambments, the words that are used have the benefit of pulling the reader in.
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Atwood uses structure, literary devices, diction, and tone all to get her point across, and she does so in a clever and facetious way. The audience should remember to never assume they are superior to someone because in reality, a person who appears as prey could in fact be a