Socioeconomic Status

Words: 729
Pages: 3

In week 8, we were introduced to the concept - Socioeconomic Status(SES). An individual's or family's SES is measuredly by economic and social position combine, based on their income, education, and occupation (American Psychological Association [APA], 2007; National Center for Education Statistics, 2013). For a family's SES, both parent's education, occupation and income are examined, whereas, for an individual, his or her own attributes are assessed (Marmot, Michael, 2004).

During the tutorial, we also witnessed what significant impacts students' SES can have on their personal lives and education. The video footages revealed the real life for children and teenagers who live in Claymore, an outer Sydney community, and one of the most disadvantaged suburbs in Australia. Many of them regularly skip school, face violence and intimidation daily, and paralyse by the stressful environment. It broke my heart to watch the video, nevertheless, it also reminds me that despite from living in one of the wealthiest countries worldwide, a vast number of Australian children are still live in relative poverty (Scutella & Smyth 2005), and
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In spite of reporting these teachers' contradictory feeling toward the different SES of students, the study also states that all teachers believed students' families, backgrounds, race, and class academic success were instrumental in determining their academic success. In contrast, rarely did teachers recognise their contribution to students learning or feel students could attribute success or failure. Moreover, it was found that for similar aggressive behaviours, committed varied SES students, were classified differently. Unfortunately, this demonstrated teacher's biased