The Attitudinal Model

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Pages: 4

When it comes to judicial decision-making, there are three different models. They are the Legal Model, the Attitudinal Model, and the Strategic Model. The Legal Model states “Supreme Court justices make their decisions based on the facts of the case and on the laws and precedent” (Unit 8, Video Engager). The strengths of this particular model are that the justices can make their decisions based on any cases before the case at hand, making them even more informed and able to make the best decision possible for a positive outcome. Without this ability, they would have a much harder time making a just and accurate decision on their cases. However, if someone believes that the outcome of a case before was inaccurate, then it could lead to many …show more content…
To me, this is the most important model out of the three, because it is the model that stands for what the people truly want. The people of the United States are the most important aspect in what the justices need to pay attention to when making these big decisions. Last is the Attitudinal Model. This model states that the “Supreme Court justices serve for life, there is no constraint on their decision-making” (Unit 8, Video Engager). The strengths of this model are pretty clear, being that the justices must serve for life so they are full of knowledge and have personally been involved in each case. This ensures that they are informed first hand, instead of learning from someone else, thus making it easier for them to make the right decision. With that being said, there are weaknesses to this model as well. The main concern is that there are conservatives and liberals within the Supreme Court. The fact that there is no constraint on the amount of power that they have, decision making based on ones own opinion instead of for the greater good has the ability to …show more content…
However, one decision in particular stands out the most to me is the Brown vs. Board of Education. One of the most important things to me is that every student receives equal treatment in the classroom. The case originally started in the district court of Topeka, and the court favored towards the school district because they provided separate, but equal bathrooms for whites and blacks. However, after this ruling, the case was appealed and sent to the Supreme Court. This is where it received its official name, Brown vs. Board of Education. The case stated that the “public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment” (McBride). One of the key points made by the courts about the Brown case is that it is beyond important for students to have equal rights to an equal in quality education. “On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that ‘separate but equal’ public schools were unconstitutional for blacks and whites” (Powell). Foregoing this case, Topeka immediately started desegregation within the schools.The courts also stated that segregation within the schools made for a harder learning environment. We as citizens of the United States of America should be so thankful that this case happened, because I believe it has really shaped this