The Pros And Cons Of Banning Books

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Pages: 3

Banning books isn't doing anything for us just making it harder for parents these days explaining things to their children themselves. Books take kids to a whole nother level of imagination and sometimes in books they have to bring things up that just go with the storylines and it makes the story better. Children are meant to figure things out on their own that's just human nature and its not like their not going to find out about it. Anything that happens that’s bad is immediately all over the internet, news, and newspapers its all around us it makes no sense to ban books with “bad things” in them because children could find out anytime it's all around us, like say a child walks into the living room where the news is playing and there’s pictures of rape, dead people, and just killing. A child is going to find out either from parents or on their own. …show more content…
Junior and Rowdy had a relationship like no other, Rowdy was the protector and Junior was the brains. If anyone made fun of Junior or beat him up Rowdy took care of it. Junior said “Rowdy is the toughest kid on the rez. He is long and lean and strong like a snake.His heart is as strong and mean as a snake, too. But he is my best human friend and he cares about me, so he would always tell me the truth” Alexie, Sherman, and Ellen Forney. "Revenge Is My Middle Name." The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian.2007. This quote shows that children can make friends at that very good ones. They went along with each other and couldn't live without one