The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

Words: 455
Pages: 2

The article clearly represents the scientific discipline of biology. This is supported by the subject of the report, potatoes, and the processes required to transform them into GMOs. The potatoes were genetically engineered to resist late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potatoes famine. The genetic engineers would have needed extensive knowledge in the biology of potatoes to manipulate their genes to resist a specific disease. Therefore, the article most closely relates to the field of biology, more specifically genetic engineering. This news deals with applied science, not pure science. Applied science is defined as any scientific discipline that uses existing research to develop practical applications. Genetically engineering potatoes is applying plant biology research to help sustain our food supply. Therefore, it easily fits into the definition of applied science, and is undoubtedly not associated with pure science. While this topic does not have any current relevance to my life, it certainly could in the near future. GMOs are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern media, and there could come a time when all produce at the grocery store will be labeled GMO. Potatoes are only one example; many different organisms have been altered to fit human desires. For example, the majority of corn grown in the U.S. …show more content…
GMOs are heavily debated, as they are a relatively new agricultural development. Many people believe that GMOs are the future of sustainable crop growth. On the other hand, many others think that the combinations of genes involved are unstable and could cause big problems. There is also a copyright issue, as some major companies are trademarking their crops and suing those who use the same seeds. In general, I support the idea of genetically modified organisms. However, the government definitely needs to crack down on the copyright issue and put checks in place to insure the safety of new