To What Extent Should The Government Be Able To Monitor The Internet

Words: 515
Pages: 3

We the Students As of lately the discussion to what extent should the government be able to monitor the use of the internet has been on the rise. With any controversial subject there is more than one side, some people would say that the government shouldn't have the right to monitor our internet, and others would say the government should have free range. As far as what I think they should be able to monitor your internet use to some extent but not completely. This is what I believe the government should be able to monitor what you post and your comments, but I don't think the government should be able to have access to our accounts. It's an invasion of our privacy and its taking the right to have freedom. One of our constitutional Amendments is the right to have freedom so them bombarding into our personal life would be taken this freedom away from us. I do believe that the government should be watching people when they see something like cyberbullying or someone who is misusing their rights to the internet. …show more content…
In an article called KeepTheWebOpen congressman Darrell Issa says that freedom equals free rights to uncensored internet use. He says that citizens should have free participation to peacefully be able to browse the internet without having to be monitored. He also thinks that citizens should be able to have the right to benefit from the things they create on the internet and be secure to their own property on the internet. He also believes people should have the right to privacy on the internet. He believes people should have a right to freely share their ideas with the internet. Everyone should have their own right to their digital bill of