Was George Washington A Hero Or Hero?

Words: 592
Pages: 3

Imagine a place where soldiers walked the streets and could stay in your home without permission, imagine high taxes for something you don’t use, and finally imagine not having the Constitution. We would have to deal with those things if George Washington didn’t stand up for America. George Washington saw first hand how much the American people disliked the British power that controlled them from across the Atlantic ocean. He had leadership skills, so he joined the continental congress as a delegate from Virginia, and they made him commander of the first continental army. George Washington deserves the status of hero because he had strong leadership abilities, high military intelligence, and he was extremely fair towards the people. One of George Washington’s heroic features is his unmatched leadership skill. One example is, “George Washington lead an untrained army through many battles to victory against the most powerful army in their time in order to gain independence for their country (www.History.com)”. Another example of his leadership is, “At Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War, George Washington raised the moral of an injured, sick, and poorly dressed army in …show more content…
One example is, “George Washington’s chose advisors with different political views giving him many ways to solve issues (www.mountvernon.org). Another showing of George Washington’s intelligence is, “George Washington stayed out of the French-British war going against their treaty with France by not supporting them in a time of war, but in the end America didn’t lose soldiers or an ally” (www.newsmax.com). A final demonstration of his intelligence is when, “George Washington established a treaty with Britain allowing trade, which resulted in growth of America” (www.newsmax.com). Obviously if he didn’t have his intelligence America wouldn’t have grown as much, and he prevented loss of life in