What Is The Green Light In The Great Gatsby

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Pages: 6

Everything is different in the end
“Involuntarily I glanced seaward — and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock” (Page 21). Fitzgerald uses symbolism to develop the many themes presented in the story. The main theme that the reader inferred was that some people and object change and are never the same again. In The Great Gatsby there are many symbols, but the most common ones are The Green Light on the edge of Daisy’s dock, the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, and the characters Daisy and Gatsby.
The Green Light
What is the mysterious green light? The green light is a dock light that sits at the end of Daisy’s dock, and Gatsby looks out over the water reaching after the light that is across the
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Mr. F. Millet stated that the light is “fitting to Gatsby's dream of a future with Daisy”. The Dream that comes along with the story of the Light is that Gatsby will have a future with the woman of his dreams. But Jay's future dream with Daisy is “tarnished” stated Millett; since Daisy is not the same person she was five years ago when Jay left for war. When Jay left for the war he thought that his love for her would keep the love between them until he returned from the war. While he was away at war Daisy met a Polo Player and married him and also had a child with him. In the end of chapter, we find Gatsby on his side of the bay leaning toward this green light almost as if he is worshiping it. “Gatsby’s sacred green light becomes nothing more than just a light on the end of Daisy’s dock” (Millett). In the beginning the Green Light is an idea that Gatsby will end up living his life with Daisy once they meet again and reconnect after such a long time. As the story goes on Daisy and Gatsby reconnect but only for a slight moment in the book. They have tea at Nick’s house and have an affair but towards the end of the story the Green Light just becomes a light on a dock. When Gatsby is shot by George