Why Do Minors Play Contact Sports?

Words: 709
Pages: 3

Contact sports are popular among children and adolescents, who enjoy the thrill of competition, the physical challenge, and the social benefits of being part of a team. However, contact sports also pose serious risks to the health and well-being of young athletes, especially to their developing brains. Some experts, such as Dr. Bennet Omalu, argue that children under the age of 18 should not play contact sports at all, as they expose them to the risk of injury and brain damage. Others, such as Dr. Mark McLaughlin and Dr. Katie Davis, contend that contact sports have many positive effects on children's physical and mental health, and that the risks can be minimized with proper safety measures. This essay will examine both sides of the debate …show more content…
The mental and physical benefits, therefore, cannot be overlooked. Another argument in favor of contact sports for minors is that the risk of injury and brain damage can be managed with proper training, use of safety equipment, and adherence to rules. According to Source 1, the risk of overuse injuries can be prevented by scaling back on training in childhood sports. The risk of concussions and other serious injuries can also be reduced by using protective gear, such as helmets and mouthguards, and by following the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of head injuries. Furthermore, Source 1 claims that advancements in protective gear and increased awareness about concussions are making contact sports safer than ever before. The main counter-argument against contact sports for minors is that they pose an unacceptable risk of injury and brain damage that can have lifelong consequences. According to Source 2, Dr. Omalu argues that contact sports are akin to child abuse, as they expose children to repeated blows to the head that can cause permanent brain damage. He cites research that shows that even one concussion can lead to an increased risk of death, suicide, and mental