Why Is Gun Control Important

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Pages: 6

Gun Control: A Want And A Need
We live in the most harmonious time in human history. Yet, many people continue to live in poverty, famine, and fear. A prime illustration of this manifestation is in America. Being a developed country and global superpower being able to make formal decisions and take care of the people who inhabit this country. However, the truth is America can hardly care for itself. An exceptional example of a shortcoming here is the gun rights/control. Civilians live in fear of what the current stance on gun laws and regulations. There are two sides with those pushing for stricter regulations and those wanting everything to stay the way it is. Although the second amendment allows for Americans to own a gun, the prevailing
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Guns and firearms have been tinkered with gradually with time, with better technology, these guns have been constructed considerably more robust and treacherous. Many gun rights activists live by the fact that their guns ‘protect’ them and ‘keep them safe’. However, in a cover story regarding why arguments about gun control/rights still happen states gun-related homicide rates are more than 25 times higher in the U.S. than in any other high-income country (Smith, Patricia Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, Hsu, Tiffany, Brooks, David 8). In this same cover story, the authors discuss a variety of arguments and tackles each one.With each argument that may come from any opposing side, the authors add a practical view to how serious a firearm can truly be. Knowing how dangerous a gun is America can follow the example of Australia, “Australia, for example, had 13 mass shootings from 1979 to 1996. After a gunman killed 35 people in 1996, the country passed strict laws banning many weapons. It hasn’t had a mass shooting since.” (Smith, Patricia Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, Hsu, Tiffany, Brooks, David 8). Just from this America can know and learn the value of the lives that live within their borders and see how much quality of life changes with guns and firearms. By learning and making similar changes like Australia, America can pave the way to becoming a purer