Abigail's Lies In The Crucible

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Pages: 5

A lot of the characters in The Crucible are saying things that they know aren't true if not to other people, then to themselves. Abigail lied about her being able to see spirits, and so do the other girls that play along with her; Proctor is deceitful first for having an affair and then for hiding it; and the court also lie to themselves and everybody else by saying that they serve the cause of God's justice. There are a lot of people that are lying throughout the play. The twist in the play is that by telling the truth, you die, but you also gain your freedom that is, you keep your standing with God, and you also become a martyr.
Abigail and John Proctor had an affair when she was working for them. She believes that Proctor loves her and not his wife. She believes that if she gets rid of John Proctor's wife Elizabeth Proctor, she can take her place and become John Proctor's wife. This is one of her biggest motivations throughout the play. Her other motivation is the need for her to be in control. When the girls get caught in the woods and Parris's daughter Betty pretends that she is getting possessed by a witch. So Abigail had to come up with an explanation for what happened to Betty and what caused it.
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Abigail pretty much dug her own grave up throughout the play by lying. She fled the town because she knew that people were onto her. I feel like none of this would have happened if Abigail would have told the truth about what they were doing in the forest. They would have just gotten into a little bit of trouble. Telling the truth could be a good thing and a bad thing. You really don’t know what it's going to be you just have to hope for the best, but it this case it was a really bad thing for John Proctor when he confessed about the affair. He would have probably been alive if he didn’t say a word. This just comes to show you how clueless some people are when they are afraid of