Becoming A Therapist

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Pages: 3

Individuals choose career based on passion, interest, and skill, nobody would want a career they aren’t interested in. Not only that, but you also must have specific qualities in order to be successful in that career as well. I possess the indispensable qualities required to succeed in being a therapist because I am a great listener, love problem solving personal issues, and my dominant Myers Briggs personality trait is a feeler. I posses the essential qualities required to to succeed in being a therapist because I am a an absolutely great listener.To be an exceptional therapist you need to know how to listen to all types of venting and stories your client may want to discuss. Not only must you listen but you also must engage in the conversation to show that your attention has been obtained. In my circle of friends, I am the one friend that everyone comes to vent and talk about issues because …show more content…
I consider myself to be deeply passionate in interested in helping individuals settle or work out personal conflicts within family, friends, decisions, themselves, or anything they are having trouble with. For example, recently my friend Joy was having trouble deciding whether or not to stop being friends with a boy she had known for many years. I was able to assist her in getting in tact with her true emotions and feelings as well as to consider all options and side of the spectrum before making a rational decision. That is something I could see myself doing as a career for the rest of my life because it seems as if it comes so naturally to me now. Being the one that individuals come to looking for guidance in problem solving personal issues gives me a sense of accomplishment, and since it is something I am already so skilled in now, at my age, I know I can only improve and become professional without an much need for