Boy In The Striped Pajamas

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Pages: 4

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a movie about an eight year old boy who was living in the time of the Holocaust with the setting of the movie being in a military home located just outside of the death camp Auschwitz. The protagonist of the story, Bruno, moved there, because his father became the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. After Bruno and his family fully moved in, Bruno decided to take a look around the place. When he looked out his bedroom window he could see the camp, but in the moment his innocent mind thought it was a farm with a lot of strange workers. What Bruno came to find out later was that it was actually a concentration camp where jews were held. In my opinion, the actors and actresses in this movie did a …show more content…
Bruno’s father soon tells them that they will be moving to the countryside. Once fully moved into their new home, Bruno began to feel bored. Out of this boredom he decided to go beyond the house borders and wandered up to the outside of the barbed-wire fence of the concentration camp. He found a little jewish boy named Shmuel sitting on the other side tired, lonely, and hungry. They instantly became friends even though they knew it was not allowed. Bruno was told that jews were the worst kind of people, and that he should not ever talk to them, but when he met Shmuel he saw no evil in him. Bruno began to wonder about why Shmuel was stuck in the “farm”, and started asking questions to one of the jewish servants who worked in his home. From what Bruno understood from him, he thought that the jews decided to leave their jobs to work at the camp instead, and that the camp was actually a really nice place. As Bruno started sneaking away from his home more and more to go visit Shmuel he starts bringing him food and different games for the both of them to play together. Through the time they spend together their friendship continues to grow stronger. Meanwhile, Bruno’s mother, Elsa, discovered what is actually happening at the camp. She heard that they are being murdered, and she started to feel disgusted that her husband was commanding a place where there was only death and