Catholic Reformation, Renaissance, And Age Of Exploration

Words: 473
Pages: 2

The Scientific Revolution can be closely tied to three major historical events: the Catholic Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Age of Exploration. Each of these events sparked elements that were key to the scientific revolution; including the church seeking to maintain their power, an interest in exploring classical works, and the development of new technology. The Catholic Reformation played a major part in causing the Scientific Revolution, specifically thanks to the Council of Trent. The Council of Trent was a gathering of important members of the Catholic Church to try and figure out ways to make the church more appealing to the general populace. One reason people found attending church difficult was that what happened in church heavily dependent on what day it was, and during this time period there was no set way to know this. So, the church hired men to study the movements of the sun and moon, hoping they would find an efficient way to …show more content…
The Catholic Reformation inspired many scientists to explore the world around and beyond them, the Renaissance provided resources to challenge previously untouchable scientific theories, and the Age of Exploration brought about more advanced technology for scientists to use in their experiments. The challenging of preconceived ideas that was so prominent in the Scientific Revolution makes it very easy to draw parallels with the original Reformation, when people began to challenge the ideas and authority of the Catholic Church. In fact, many key players in the Scientific Revolution, such as Galileo, were seen as enemies of the church due to their finding scientific explanations for things the church attributed to God. Similarly, men like Martin Luther were seen as enemies of the church during the Reformation due to their questioning of the Catholic interpretation of the