Code of ethics paper for group

Submitted By beto032080
Words: 1469
Pages: 6

After careful review of each of the six case studies previously encountered in the course, we as professionals can be influenced by the American Nurses Association Code of Nursing Ethics. We can use the code to give us a guideline in difficult decision making situations. In the following, we will apply the code to each of the case studies to illustrate how the ANA code could be of assistance in typical as well as not so typical cases that might arise.
1. What pieces of information are needed to assist the family in making a decision regarding Marianne’s care?
To answer this question we can look into provision 2 which according to “Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements” (2015), “The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population.
2.1 Primacy of the Patient’s Interests:
The nurse’s primary commitment is to the recipients of nursing and healthcare services-patients or client-whether individuals, families groups, communities, or populations. Each plan of care must reflect the fundamental commitment of nursing to the uniqueness, worth, and dignity of the patient. Honest discussion about available resources, treatment options, and capacity for self-care are essential. When the patient’s wishes are in conflict with those of others, nurses help to resolve the conflict. Where conflict persists, the nurses’ commitment remains to the identified patient.” (p. 5).
In this specific question we can see how the code would be able to assist us by keeping our commitment to our patient at hand. By being our patient’s advocate in a time where Maryanne cannot speak for herself and the family might be ignorant on the different options available.
2. How might family members’ values and morals affect their decision-making process when faced with potential end-of-life decisions of a loved one?
To answer this question we might want to explore provision 6 which according to “Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements” (2015), “The nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting and conditions of employment that are conductive to safe, quality health care.
6.2 The environment and ethical obligation:
Virtues focus on what is good and bad in regard to whom we are to be as moral persons; obligations focus on what is right and wrong or what we are to do as moral agents. Obligations are often specified in terms of principles such as beneficence or doing good; nonmaleficence or doing no harm; justice or treating people fairly.” (p. 23).
This portion of the code can help us provide the family with a standard to help them in their decision-making process. It is very difficult for family members to put their own believes or even sometimes personal gains to the side to help a loved one transition into an end of life stage in peace. Without any persuasion we can serve as a role model to the family in question as we focus on what is the right thing to do.
3. Discuss ways in which nurses can integrate concepts found within the American nurses’ association code of nursing ethics and the nursing practice act when caring for patients and their families.
Nurses can integrate the concepts from the code by applying Provision 4 which “Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements” (2015),states “The nurse has authority, accountability , and responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions; and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care.
4.1 Authority, Accountability, and Responsibility:
Nurses bear primary responsibility for the nursing care that their patients and clients receive and are accountable for their own practice. Nursing practice includes independent direct nursing care activities; care as ordered by an authorized healthcare provider; care coordination; evaluation of interventions; delegation of nursing