Submitted By wcwolfe
Words: 381
Pages: 2

Topic: Sudoku
Specific Purpose: I will demonstrate how to play Soduko.
Thesis Statement: Playing Sudoku is fun while exercising your brain.
Attention material: Most of you know exercising is important to your health. It keeps you in shape, improves your health and makes you feel good, at least after you do it. Not many people think about exercising your brain, as well. Just like your body, a workout is beneficial to your brain.
Credibility material: Soduko is a hobby I enjoy. It may just be the workout your brain needs.
Central Idea: Today I want to demonstrate how to do a simple puzzle.
Preview: Soduko involves probability, logic, and math concepts.
Transition: You may have seen someone doing a puzzle and thought “I can’t do that”. But you can. There is no difficult math involved.

I. The first step in starting a puzzle is finding one.
A. You can search the internet.
B. You can buy a puzzle book.
C. You may find one in your local newspaper.
D. Start with the correct difficulty level.
Transition: Now that you have found a puzzle let’s examine what we are working with.
II. There is a simple strategy to the game.
A. The game features a 9x9 grid.
B. The numbers must not repeat.
1. Do not repeat in every row.
2. Do not repeat in every column.
3. Do not repeat in every 3x3 box.
Transition: Let’s examine this beginners puzzle.
III. Here is how I recommend you fill in the numbers.
A. Look for any obvious fill ins.