English Essay

Submitted By nato_e
Words: 874
Pages: 4

Meat vs. Vegetables

Over the course of history, food has always been one of the key essentials for keeping us, humans, alive and healthy. When it came down to survivability, meat-eaters were more likely to survive compared to those who primarily ate vegetables. The Neanderthals, a prehistory species, had a diet that consisted of large amounts of meat. Even though their species died out, the following species, Australopithecus Africanus, sparked human evolution and became the predecessor of mankind. This particular species had an excessive amount of meat in their diet, compared to their vegetable intake. In today’s modern society, meat is readily available in many different forms. Meat in general, is superior to vegetables because of its ability to provide an essential source of protein, a high amount of long lasting energy and great natural taste. Like Olympic star athletes, body builders and trainers tend to injure their muscles during their training. They resort to a high source of protein to help rebuild their torn muscles. Meat provides a huge amount of protein to help recuperate these torn muscles. Amino acids are the components that make protein and because the body can only produce fourteen amino out of twenty-two acids on its own, the last eight come from diet. The particular eight are considered essential because they are needed to maintain a healthy body and unlike vegetables, meat can provide all eight essential amino acids that are found in protein. When training, body builders and athletes eat meat to bulk up and maintain their physique. Famous body builder Arnold Swazzernager stated “Meat is my foundation, if I based my diet on vegetables, I’d be a stick”. Arnold’s testimony displays the importance of meat in any person’s diet. Although you can get amino acids from both plant and animal-based foods, only animal protein contains all eight essential amino acids that complete a healthy body. Meat not only provides crucial amounts of protein for the body and mind but also provides rich amounts of minerals and vitamins. In fact, meat protein yields long lasting energy that originates from rich deposits of iron and vitamin B12. Iron boosts energy because it is required to produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to other parts of your body, including the brain. Although iron can be gained from vegetables, nevertheless, the iron found in meat gets absorbed much easier. Olympic athlete Usain Bolt explained “Iron equals energy. Jerk chicken always prevails when it comes down to my energy”. Usain’s theory illustrates just how passionate he is towards his jerk chicken and how he relied in this particular white meat to set the record breaking time of 9.59 seconds in the 100m. Although vegetables are able to provide the basic nutrients, meat contains higher amounts of absorbable iron and provides reliable, sustainable energy for the body.
Advertisements around the whole world not only promote the healthy benefits statistics of meat, but they most importantly promote meat’s main feature which attracts more than seventy five percent of the world’s population: its taste. The main reason why meat is so successful and mainstream in our modern society is because of the fact that its taste and smell is irresistible. As much as