Equality In Ayn Rand's 'Anthem'

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Pages: 3

Anthem Essay

The world that Equality 7-2521 lives in is full of rules and beliefs. He is being controlled by others, that have determined his and his brothers fates. Between their jobs, how they speak, or what age they stop working at. In the book “Anthem” the rules are placed so nobody turns out to be greater than another, or so they can all live equally. As Equality is the novel's protagonist as he struggles to find what he is called to be in life. Throughout the book it is always a journey or adventure for Equality to reach freedom. There could be many reasons why Equality does think differently, or why he is known as so unique from his fellow brothers. A few being on how he envisions a society being like.
In the book “Anthem” they are told that anything they ever need will be given to them or chosen for them. This could also be a reason behind how Equality thinks because he wants to be independent, and have his own decisions planned out. The start was when the council designated Equality to being a street sweeper. This way they could keep him from numerous of opportunities of knowing that he was very successful as
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Equality discovered the unknown never to speak first-person singular words. Therefore Equality is experimenting, anything from dissecting a frog or even making the magnets move by using electricity. Equality keeps a detailed journal in this unknown tunnel, but on occasions he is kept from writing because he cannot access his tunnels. He is being demanded to tell where he has been when he returns to the home of the street sweepers, but Equality refuses to share any information. Equality is taken to a Corrective Detention Palace, to be whipped until he shares his secrets. He stays quiet and continues to take the beating until he falls unconscious. Equality decides that will not escape his original thoughts and will stay true to