Ethos Pathos Logos Analysis

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Pages: 3

Ethos, pathos, and logos…the most-used technique to convince people that your way or idea is the best. It is basically the smart and professional way of saying, “Pick me and not them,” “My way is better and not theirs.” This technique is used for a lot of things in a lot of different circumstances. Probably the most important time to use ethos, pathos, and logos is the presidential debate. The country will soon be in either Trump’s or Clinton’s hands. They need to influence the people of the United States, that he or she is the perfect candidate for the job.

Ethos or the ethical appeal, means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character. A part of the debate that stood out to me, is when it was Trump’s turn to answer a question related to creating
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Another example relating to race and police brutality, Trump was saying we need law and order. Which is very factual and logical, our government needs some form of law and order. Not just to the citizens but with the police officers as well. The police need to respect the citizens and the citizens need to respect the police.

When Clinton was talking about the relation to Trump’s tax plan for America and his families well-being. She pointing it in a way as if he was he was trying to shape America to fit his financial situations. This was logical to me because the upper-class families have not been paying all the taxes and that is how Trump wants to keep it. Her calling him out on that was very rational.

The presidential debate is a very lengthy debate to watch. All throughout the debate, you can see how much each candidate uses, ethos, pathos, or logos. Even within the first 20 minutes of the debate, you can see the candidates using ethos, pathos, and logos while explaining their plans. We all know Trump and Clinton are completely opposites, but during the debate you can see they have the same