Green Light In The Great Gatsby

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Pages: 3

Some dreams can be turn into a nightmare depending on if it's really a Dream or a Fantasy .The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald told the story about a man who would do anything even if it's a risk to achieve his American Dream. Gatsby work hard for his American Dream even through thick and thin he still did everything to accomplish it. Even though Gatsby was able to live the American dream he didn't achieve what he wanted to . Therefore for this reasons in the Great Gatsby Gatsby focus his dream of being with Daisy . In the Great Gatsby the author uses the Green light to show Gatsby hopes and Dream. Nick wanted people to know the American Dream doesn't always brings happiness but it's just a false pretense .”Distinguished nothing except …show more content…
An example of this is the color blue which represent Gatsby romantic dream. Even though gatsby tried not to force reality he ended up still having to force that he wouldn't be with Daisy . (chap5) “ A damp streak of hair lay like a dash of blue paint across her cheek and her hand was wet glistening drops as I took it to help her from the the car.”The blue paint across her cheek and means Gatsby feelings towards her and the glistening drops could symbolize tears in the future. The dream of Gatsby is to be with Daisy But the symbolism of the color blue show that it won't be possible. The green light gatsby was reaching out to finally reach his reach. After wanting to meet with Daisy for long time Gatsby finally got what he wanted. (chap 5) “ if it wasn't for the mist we could see your home “across the bay said Gatsby” “ you always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.” This means that after waiting for such along time Gatsby finally got the ability to meet with her for the first time in long time . No doubt after waiting for such a long period of time to achieve his goals and Dream Gatsby ended up dying . Gatsby died when he was protecting daisy he didn't tell them that Daisy was driving so he took the blame.The symbolism of Gatsby dying is to show that his dream fantasy and couldn't come through. (chap9) “ Was Daisy driving”